A Tale of Two Assassins. Only one makes it out alive.
This special edition fumetti project is a dark tale of two assassins and one final kill. It's a noir-ish, first-person point-of-view tale of seduction and death. Not for the kids.

An Interview with Sean McDevitt
Where did the story begin?
I was going to the San Diego Comicon in 2009 and wanted to have a simple story I could hand to publishers and other creative types. As a writer, it's difficult to showcase what you can do in a format that publishers understand. So I decided a small 16-page booklet would do the trick.
The story is dark. Where did it come from?
The Beautiful Kill represents a decidedly dark time for me. The story itself came flowing out of me into a Moleskine notebook. I couldn’t stop writing as the story needed an ending, and the ideas were coming like lightning bolts.
It's not a short story exactly. You created a fumetti. Can you explain what that is?
Basically, a fumetti is a photo comic. I didn't have a penciler, inker, or a letterer to do a proper comic. I used a model and took photos after I had the story set. I experimented with various Photoshop settings to get the look for the entire piece. Adding in Creative Commons photos allowed the project to have a bit more life than just still photography.
Was it always going to be a fumetti?
The idea of turning the story into fumetti came later. Asking my friend to pose as naked as she felt comfortable with while I take hundreds of pictures was a “hold my breath” moment, but she instantly understood the art form and wanted to participate.
Why only 99 cents?
I love this story and want more people to find it and read it.

About The Author
Sean McDevitt is a writer with two decades of experience in brand, story, and editing. Currently, he is the senior copywriter at Horizon Hobby, where among other things, he serves as the Managing Editor of Transmitter Magazine.
He's the author of the children’s book, Goodnight Princess, and the noir-tinged fumetti The Beautiful Kill. His latest collection, Captured Ghosts, is coming soon.
He lives and works in Champaign, Illinois with his beautiful and talented wife, Maria. They have three incredible daughters: Katie, Alia, and Brynne. The only other male in the household is Rocco, the cutest Teddy Bear dog in the world. He is outnumbered.

Last Call To Action!
The Beautiful Kill is self-published by Sean McDevitt and is available on Gumroad as a downloadable PDF.
For more information, visit seanmcdevitt.com
© 2021 Sean McDevitt